Real Soap
Blue Bee Bars soaps
Commercial bars Are also called Beauty Bars, Moisturizing Bars, Body Bars, Deodorant Bars and Complexion Bars simply because these bars aren't actually soap and can't legally claim to be.
Skin Care
Blue Bee Bars soaps Does not strip your skin of natural oils because our soaps are pure and gentle.
Commercial bars Are detergents that strip the natural oils off your skin.
Commercial bars Antibacterial soaps may contain Triclosan (a pesticide) which has been linked to causing cancer.
Blue Bee Bars soaps Our soaps contain ingredients from the Earth.
Blue Bee Bars soaps Are made by hand, and in small batches in order to provide you with fresh, high quality products.
Commercial bars Contains harsh chemicals and artificial colors. Most commercial soap companies are adding some natural ingredients in small quantities along with the detergents. This is to fool the customers into thinking their products are natural. They also try to fool customers with their packaging, displaying pictures of coconuts, fruits, and greenery.
Blue Bee Bars soaps Are made from vegetable oils that contain nutrients to help keep your skin healthy.
Commercial bars Are not only bad for your skin, they are also bad for the planet.
Blue Bee Bars soaps Uses minimal ingredients, there is no waste.
Commercial bars Are made in huge batches at a time, using big machines that produces waste (by products from the chemicals/synthetics being used), and consumes tons of fuel to run those factories and the delivery trucks for distribution.
Blue Bee Bars soaps Lasts longer than commercial bars.
Commercial bars Are cheaper because of the quality of ingredients used, and the amount produced at a time.